Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I always try to dream BIG

I had a dream that SB got me a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy for my birthday. I am turning 30, so it's a big one, which should call for a BIGTIME gift.... I'm not placing any bets on this one happening, but it would be the best gift ever. Even if we didn't get the pup right away - just the promise of the pup...

On another note, I am attempting to do this 30 Day Shred thing, and it's killing me. And I'm only on day 2. Of 30, in case you didn't catch that part. I'm already sick of Jillian Michaels and her squinty, squinty face. And also sick of my ass feeling like pulled taffy.


Anonymous said...

Yah, I just started "running" again tihs week after not having run at all while pregnant or since Chloe arrived...I am so sadly out of shape. I love the feeling of freedom and the wind in my hair for like the first 5 min...then I feel like I'm going to puke and look at my watch every 30 sec to see how long I've been going and make bargains with myself for when I can take a walk break. It's not pretty. Jill

Jules said...

when I started running I did the Couch to 5K program and found it helpful - it schedules your breaks for you! Jillian does not give breaks. She just squints and yells at you.

Way to go getting running! you will feel amazing. Eventually. I promise. Even if you feel like puking now :)