Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hands over my ears in horror

I've been kinda running around like a chicken with my head cut off this week, hence the lack of posts. We've been throwing around ideas for the business, trying to work all that stuff out. It seems like every time I sit down I think of something else that I absolutely can't forget to consider.

Yesterday was my first baby shower in a very long time. It was for a friend who used to work with me at IKEA and who is now a teacher - I haven't seen her for a while, and she looks so great, so happy, so settled. Our friend, Chag, was the hostess and she did an absolutely amazing job. There was a full-on spread of little appetizers that were super yummy - the kind of thing I love to do but just can't seem to organize. We had little zucchini fritters, herbed parmesan chicken pieces, a tuna salad in endive leaves, smoked salmon rolls, stuffed mushroom caps, and various salads and hummus trays. I'm sure I've forgotten something, but how could you not with so many great dishes? So yummy! She also made some pretty spectacular cakes, which were impressively decorated. We decided that she and I will have a baking day sometime, and Ems will be the designated spoon-taster.

The shower itself was fun. There were a lot of soon-to-be moms there, in various stages of pregnant bellyness. I'm sure I've mentioned that children make me uncomfortable (thank goodness there were no babies there), but one thing that makes me even more uncomfortable is hearing anything about any kind of birthing processes. It makes me squirm, and sweat, and basically want to run from the room. During a break in the present opening, conversation turned to things like people having their waters broken with giant hooks, and people having family members looks at their vaginas while a turkey was being squeezed through it. I could feel a cold sweat beginning when Ems nudged me and said "Jules, how about we go get a coffee?" Later, with talk of umbilical cords falling off, I felt another nudge and a "Jules, I need to go for a smoke, come with me."

So, here is a public shout out to Ems - I will never be around moms or babies without you ever again.

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