Thursday, November 24, 2005

I never thought it could happen to me

I mentioned previously that my new medication has produced several side-effects that were less than fantastic. Luckily, most of them have passed. However, one thing that has changed that is of some concern is the fact that I no longer have an appetite. I get hungry, but then can only eat about half of my food. Or I'll get hungry for a very specific thing, and thoughts of all other foods will turn my stomach. This is quite problematic when I'm craving noodle soup for lunch but have packed myself a sandwich.

All of this would normally make me ecstatic - I've lost about 8 pounds in the past week and a half. However, Sexy Boyfriend's brother and his girlfriend are coming to visit this weekend, and we are getting together and visiting The Keg, our favorite restaurant. Aside from having the best steak ever, they also have great Caesar salads, tons of yummy appetizers, and my favorite dessert, a mocha ice cream pie.


This could be a serious issue. What if I can't finish my steak? You can't have steak as leftovers! You can't take a steak and Caesar salad doggie bag. That's just wrong. I mentioned my concerns to Sexy Boyfriend, and he replied "I've supported you through a lot of stuff, you should know by now that if you have problems finishing your steak, I won't let you down."

I'm thinking I might skip lunch.

In other news, I spoke with the dog-walking company this morning, and they want to set up a meeting next week. I can't wait to see their offices and learn more about how they work and schedule their visits and stuff. I feel really good about this. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THats awesome! congrats on the meeting. That woudl be an insanely fun job. Good luck!
