Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Mysteries of The Cycle, and other oddities

I would like to take a moment to talk about the bane of my existence. I need to talk about my period.

My period and I go back a long way. You would think we would be at least on civil terms by now, but no. Each month she rips her way through my body, bloating me and cramping me and ripping out my insides until I want to shovel my eyes out with spoons from the floor of a dirty Mexican restaurant.

Now, every girl out there knows what I'm talking about, and every guy out there wishes he didn't know what I was talking about. But I don't want to rant about those things we cannot change. I want to ponder the Mysteries of The Cycle. Mainly, the Mystery of the Synchronized Cycle.

Women in groups will generally end up having their periods in the same week. It just happens. At my last job, we all shared pretty much the same week. Now, at my new job, I'm all off their cycle, and everyone gets it a week ahead of me. What I would like to know, is how in the world does this happen when so many people are on birth control? I take my pills so that my cycle is exactly 28 days, almost down to the minute. (I also take them so I don't end up with any unexpected little monkeys running around, but that's beside the point.) How, then, with so many people on the pill, do we still manage to end up on the same cycle as the women around us? It blows my mind.

In other news, Entertainment Tonight just did a piece about a made for TV movie based on Charles and Camilla's love affair. They didn't exactly keep it true to reality as Camilla's character is not played by a horse. And the Diana character doesn't look like a princess. And Charles doesn't look like an inbred monkey.

Today was my day off and I actually acted like a normal person, which means I had breakfast with a friend, then ran some errands OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE, NOT ON THE INTERNET, AND NOT IN THE MALL WHERE I WORK, then did some laundry and watched some TV and generally relaxed. It's almost like I'm a completely well-adjusted human or something. Nonetheless, now I feel exhausted. I will probably fall asleep watching Law and Order. It better not be a re-run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The comment about Charles and Camilla made me laugh so hard i almost urinated a little.
