Thursday, October 20, 2005

My kitty is a chatty cathy.

It's that time of year again - I thought I was going to escape, but it seems I have been struck by my first cold of the winter. I've been feeling a little drained this week, and had a little bit of a cough, and when I woke up this morning it had hit me full-on - stuffy nose, big bad cough, achy, fevery, yuck yuck yuck. People at work have been dropping like flies, but I thought I was going to make it through.

I had an appointment this morning out by my work, so I got up, took some medication, and went to my appointment. By the time I got there, I knew I was too sick to work, so I called them and told them I wouldn't be coming in. But, I'm closing, and they are only two managers today, so I have to go in at 6:30 to cover. I came home after my appointment and went to bed, slept for two hours. I still feel groggy and now I have a headache. Ugh.

My kitty cat has been very chatty lately. As I've been writing this, he was walking around the kitchen going "Meow! Meow? meow. meOw." All different tones of meow, like he's having a whole conversation by himself. It makes me want to cuddle him all day long. I think tomorrow I will stay home all day and do just that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A day of kiitty cuddling sounds like its exactly what you need.
