Tuesday, October 11, 2005

There's something in the water

Our dogs used to share a regular water bowl that held maybe a liter and a half of water. Usually it was fine, and they had enough water for the day, but sometimes we would come home to an empty water bowl. So, Sexy Boyfriend decided to buy the dogs a water-cooler type device. It uses a water bottle that is about half the size of water-cooler sized bottles, and it sits upside down on a little bowl, so as they drink, it fills.

Gabby is used to this type of apparatus, since my mom had one at her house when Gabby lived there. Charlie, on the other hand, has had no experience with this device, and is also the resident scaredy-cat. When he goes to drink, we listen. He lap lap laps, and everything is going great, but when the bowl empties to the filling hole area, it sends a giant air bubble into the tank, which makes a big "glug glug" sound. This sound causes Charlie to almost shit his pants, which I'm sure he would if he ever actually wore pants.

He has resorted to hoisting himself up to drink from the toilet with his tiny little Bassett Hound legs. I'm not opposed to dogs drinking from toilets, I know it's not the best thing for them, but hey, they lick their own asses, so if they want a cool drink from the can, more power to them. However, Charlie is a slobbery dog, and I am opposed to the remnants he leaves on the toilet seat.

Sexy Boyfriend is paranoid that Charlie is too thirsty, that he isn't drinking enough cause he's so scared. So, we have resorted to diligently putting the lid down, and praising him for drinking water out of the water cooler. I bet he thinks he's a friggin' genius now with all the praise he's getting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That story made me laugh!! You're hillarious. You should consider comedian as a profession.