Thursday, September 08, 2005

Fall = Death

My allergies are really heating up today. So far this year I have escaped the clutches of whatever the hell I'm allergic to. I have never had an allergy test, so I do not know precisely what causes my sneezies and itchies, but I know it's outside, and I know it's usually the worst this time of year.

So far I've been avoiding allergies by keeping my butt inside my whole pseudo-unemployed vacation. But, today I had my breakfast date, so I had to actually leave the house. And on the way, I dropped off Sexy Boyfriend at work, who loves to drive with the windows down in the car. By the time I got my first cup of coffee my eyes were already swelling, and I kept sneezing through the meal (Barb, Ems, sorry if I grossed you out). After breakfast, it was raining like a mother, and while you would intuitively think this would tamp down the offensive allergens, it appeared to have the opposite effect.

For most people with allergies, it's annoying. Sometimes painful, but usually manageable. But I have one problem that makes it difficult for me to function when my allergies kick in. I am somewhat phobic to blowing my nose in public. I don't like blowing my nose in general, cause it grosses me out, and also cause it gives me flashbacks to when my mom or Nanny used to help me blow my nose as a kid, and they would squeeze my nose too roughly. I have this feeling that if I blow my nose in public, I'm going to leave something hanging and not notice, and no one will tell me about it. Also, because it grosses me out so much, I tend to use way more Kleenexes than are necessary because I'm paranoid I will touch a dirty spot. When in public, I am more a nose wiper than a blower. So, for these reasons, allergy season takes its toll, what with all the running to the bathroom to blow my nose, the raw skin under the nose from all the wiping, plus the unrelated issue of itchy eyes that are all swelly. I dream of a world made of concrete.

Tonight is a Big Brother elimination night, which is a big event in my week (so sad). I love Janelle, and think she is absolutely hilarious and refreshing, and I really hope she and Howie both stay in tonight. She is the only one who just says what she feels, which usually is suicide in that game, but she gets away with it for some reason. She looks like a stereotypical bimbo blond, but she is actually very smart. The best was when they had a challenge where they had to jump into a pool, unhook these things hooked at the bottom, then run across the lawn and dump these thingies in some bins. All the other girls competing were in little bikini bathing suits that they usually wear around the pool. But not Janelle. She came out in shorts and a tank top, I believe she was wearing some kind of water shoe, and she had on weightlifter gloves. It was the best!!! Anyway, Go Janelle and Howie!!!

In other news, yay my site has had over 300 visitors!!! Please keep visiting, and feel free to tell your friends. And if you don't have friends, you can tell random people on the street who look like they might enjoy the plethora of useless information I provide on my site free of charge.


Anonymous said...


I was so happy to have a breakfast date with you and Ems. NO you didn`t gross me out because of your allergies. Don`t be silly! Martin gets really bad allergies too so I understand how bad it gets. Hope you`re feeling better.
Yay 317 visitors Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Big Brother in so long. I love that show but never know when its on anymore. PLus i'm usually not home. Not watching Big Brother has ruined my life....not really but you know what i mean.


Jules said...

Allergies are feeling better now that I've been indoors for 24 hours - but I do need to venture out today so we'll see how that goes.

Sara - not sure how you are living without BB - you are a rock. I hope you have found some sort of support group to help you keep going in this time of need, without Big Brother.